Insects as a Reflection of Nature’s Beauty in Japan

>>Photo List>>Coleoptera>>Hemiptera  

“The Wasp-Mimicking Longhorn Beetles: A Photographic Exploration of Five Necydalis Species”  is a photo book that introduces a group of longhorn beetles that strongly resemble wasps, with a particular focus on five species found in Japan. These beetles have evolved to mimic wasps to protect themselves from predators.

All the photos were taken in natural environments. Once an insect is touched, its behavior changes. These photos capture the insects in their natural state, untouched. For example, a beetle with natural rain droplets looks different from one with artificially applied water, though it may be hard to tell from the photos alone.

Request for Identification Corrections

No insects have been collected, and identification is based solely on photos, which may contain errors. If you find any mistakes, I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me know. by email. I will correct them immediately. (The site is updated gradually.)


The Wasp-Mimicking Longhorn Beetles (Amazon e-book)
A photographic introduction of five species of Necydalis that mimic wasps. 

Introducing Photos of Predators and Prey in the Insect World (Amazon e-book)
An introduction and photos of predatory insects (ground beetles, click beetles, assassin bugs, soldier beetles, ants, spiders).


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Cerambycidae( Another website )

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>>Photo List>>Coleoptera>>Hemiptera  


日本列島の甲虫全種目録 (2023/2024年)
保育社    原色日本甲虫図鑑(Ⅰ~Ⅳ)
講談社      日本産カミキリ大図鑑
東海大学出版会  日本産カミキリムシ
むし社   日本産タマムシ大図鑑
昆虫文献 六本脚 日本産ホソカタムシ図説
         日本産ヒラタムシ上科図説 第1~2巻
         日本産コガネムシ上科図説 第1~3巻
文一総合出版 ハムシ ハンドブック
       オトシブミ ハンドブック
       テントウムシ ハンドブック
       タマムシ ハンドブック
Japanese Society of Systematic Entomology Monographic Series No.5
( 日本産ヒメハナノミ族 (コウチュウ目: ハナノミ科) の分類学的再検討)
全国農村教育協会 日本原色カメムシ図鑑(1~3巻) 
沖縄時事出版    沖縄甲虫図鑑
南方新社      鹿児島県のカミキリムシ
内田老鶴圃新社  楽しい昆虫採集案内(Ⅰ~Ⅲ)
信州毎日新聞社  The むし 昆虫図鑑 4200種