
現在掲載中のカミキリムシは、掲載順 又は 記載一覧をご覧ください。


We introduce longhorn beetles “at rest” in their natural habitats.
All photos are taken in natural environments to capture the beetles in their undisturbed state.
There are about 800 species of longhorn beetles across Japan, from Hokkaido to Okinawa and including the Senkaku Islands, so there is no shortage of subjects for as long as we can continue.

Currently, we have around 200 species featured, but it may become increasingly difficult to find new ones from here on.
You can view the currently featured longhorn beetles in the Display Order or Photo List.
Initially, we planned to focus exclusively on photos of longhorn beetles, but often we couldn’t find new species during our outings. As a result, we also started photographing other beetles. For photos of beetles other than longhorn beetles, please visit “Landscapes with insects” (a separate site). Recently, this site has become more popular, and the number of photos featured there has more than doubled compared to the longhorn beetles.



※ 撮影に適した場所をコチラからご紹介ください。特別保護区でも撮影なので構いません。撮影地での結果についてご報告します。昔の記憶が底を尽きました。

※ 引用・参考資料 reference
「日本産カミキリムシ大図鑑(Ⅰ、Ⅱ)」・「日本のコブヤハズカミキリ」・「高尾山の昆虫430種!」 むし社
「原色日本昆虫生態図鑑」・「原色日本甲虫図鑑(Ⅳ)」 保育社
「図説 長野県のカミキリムシ」日本民族資料館
「カミキリハンドブック」 文一総合出版

カミキリムシ科 Cerambycidae

ノコギリカミキリ亜科 Prioninae

クロカミキリ亜科 Spondylidinae

ハナカミキリ亜科 Lepturinae

ホソコバネカミキリ亜科 Necydalinae

カミキリ亜科 Cerambycinae

フトカミキリ亜科 Lamiinae






同定の誤りについてのお願い Request for Identification Corrections




All photos are taken outdoors, so there are visible and hidden parts of the insects.

Of course, we have not collected or handled the insects for verification. As a result, there may be many mistakes in identification. We would greatly appreciate it if you could kindly point out any errors via email.

We apologize for this imposition, but your guidance would not only help educate the humble site manager but also provide accurate knowledge to the young entomologists of the future who might visit this site.