Photo List ・ Display Order
Originally, the focus was on photographing longhorn beetles, but it has become harder to find new ones on my outings. As a result, I now also photograph other insects. These photos can be found on “Insects in the Landscape.” Recently, the number of these photos has grown and is now more than twice that of the longhorn beetles.
Since the identification is done only through photographs without collecting specimens, there may be errors. If you notice any mistakes, please kindly inform me, and I will promptly correct them.
Request for Identification Corrections
All the photos were taken outdoors, so there may be parts of the beetles that are not visible. Since I do not collect or handle the beetles, there may be identification errors. Please feel free to point out any inaccuracies by email.
Prioninae Spondylidinae Lepturinae Necydalinae Cerambycinae Lamiinae
Longhorn Beetles of Early Summer

Longhorn Beetles of Summer
Longhorn Beetles of Winter

Uncollectable Longhorn Beetles

※ reference
「日本産カミキリムシ大図鑑(Ⅰ、Ⅱ)」・「日本のコブヤハズカミキリ」・「高尾山の昆虫430種!」・「日本のヒメハナカミキリ」 むし社
「原色日本昆虫生態図鑑」・「原色日本甲虫図鑑(Ⅳ)」 保育社
「図説 長野県のカミキリムシ」日本民族資料館
「カミキリハンドブック」 文一総合出版