Scenes that Caught My Eye

I believe that sharing photos is important for continuing my hobby, but I find sharing on typical social media platforms bothersome, so I prefer to do it on my personal blog.

I use a smartphone and an entry-level DSLR camera.


Photos of animals like cats and birds capture beautiful expressions. For insect photography, please refer to ‘Insects in the Landscape.’

Street corner 

These are everyday subjects from my surroundings.


These are typical travel photos, especially suited for older adults. For insect photography, please refer to ‘Insects in the Landscape.’


The Wasp-Mimicking Longhorn Beetles (Amazon e-book)
A photographic introduction of five species of Necydalis that mimic wasps. 

Introducing Photos of Predators and Prey in the Insect World (Amazon e-book)
An introduction and photos of predatory insects (ground beetles, click beetles, assassin bugs, soldier beetles, ants, spiders).

I have published a photo book featuring five species of Necydalis longhorn beetles.
The Wasp-Mimicking Longhorn Beetles
 A Photographic Exploration of Five Necydalis Species
An introduction and photos of predatory insects (ground beetles, click beetles, assassin bugs, soldier beetles, ants, spiders).